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Well child visits are an important way for your pediatrician to monitor your child’s health and to assess his or her health needs. Your child’s doctor will check for the physical, emotional and developmental progress and status of your child as she grows.

Well-child visits are also a great time for parents to talk to their child’s doctor about any concerns or to find out if their child is on track developmentally.

Here are some tips to get (or keep) you on track for all your health goals:

Remember why you set the goal. Taking the time to reevaluate why you set a certain goal and what your intentions are may reinvigorate you to do your best to succeed.

Take small steps. If your goal is a big one, go about accomplishing it the same way one would eat an elephant: one bite at a time.

At IWS, we highly value the diverse skills and methods of our nursing staff. Nurse Rose is a certified Nurse Midwife at Swedish Covenant Hospital and at IWS. She uses her talents and knowledge to support expecting moms with the stresses and anxiety associated with pregnancy and labor.

One thing in which Rose strongly believes is practicing mindfulness, or, the practice of taking some time each day to focus on breathing and relaxation, and trying to focus on being present from moment to moment throughout the day.