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Our Services

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The CHAT Prevention Model

The Child-centered Health & Advanced Therapies (CHAT) program provides bilingual developmental and behavioral health services to children at risk for problems with their overall development or who have been identified with developmental delays.  Our goal is to enable children between 2-8 years of age and their families to thrive toward their fullest potential by providing a range of services which include:

Speech Therapy

Services focus on the improvement of communication skills specific to a young child’s developmental milestones. Goals include developing a functional communication system, improving the articulation of speech sounds to be better understood by communication partners, teaching strategies for language comprehension, and improving speech fluency. The interventions and treatment methods vary according to each child’s individual speech and language issues. Parent participation in treatment and parent training in communication enhancement techniques are integral components of the treatment program.

Occupational therapy

Services focus on helping children develop functional skills that enable independence in carrying out daily routines such as eating, dressing, and living independently. Therapists assess the child’s motor development, sensory processing, and adaptive behavior differences to help them develop or strengthen skills needed for daily life activities. Interventions are designed to address each child’s individual needs and reduce environmental barriers limiting participation in family, learning, and community activities.

Social Skills Group

Services focus on creating supportive and inclusive social encounters where children and their families can learn and practice social and interpersonal skills in a fun, safe and predictable  environment that both children and families enjoy.

Partnership with Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
We are grateful for our partnership with the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital. Their team provides key staff members to the CHAT program, as well as advice and guidance.